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Electrical Safety is one of the most critical areas where safe behaviours matter a LOT. Human error is possible when performing activities associated with electricity infrastructure and equipment has very severe and often irreversible consequences. This can be a loss of life or severe injuries that are lifelong and life-changing.

Despite technological advances in ensuring inherent safety equipment, a lot rests on exhibiting safe behaviours and following the safety procedure when handling electricity. Reducing human errors is vital for guaranteeing safe outcomes.

Virtual Reality technology is literally a game-changer in the field of technical training. Virtual Reality training is four times faster and more focused than classroom training. It also delivers on greater engagement, is more emotionally connected and makes learners more confident about the skills learned the VR way.

VR training is more effective when it comes to delivering training on handling hazardous systems and tasks. This technology helps to digitally create an environment that is immersive, providing the ability to navigate freely and perform tasks that ultimately deliver learning, understanding and competence. Using VR in Electrical Safety accomplishes all of this in the relative safety of an office and far away from a motor control centre or atop a high voltage transformer.

The most crucial aspect of VR safety training is also how it is implemented. While there may be off the shelf training solutions for electrical safety, it is prudent to assess your company’s training needs and evaluate an appropriate solution. Flush with the success of VR in the gaming industry, there are many developers who would be ready to help.

Benefits of Creating a VR Environment for Electrical Safety Training

It is important to choose solution providers who possess both the expertise in VR technology and the specific industry or domain experience to deliver customized VR safety solutions. Such companies have subject matter experts who understand the pain points that exist and design use cases that will be more effective in ensuring the safety of people and assets.

The main areas of electrical safety concern the safe handling of electrical equipment and arc flash safety. It is also important to understand and establish competence in the requirement of the national electric codes, NFPA applicable codes and OSHA requirements.

The virtual reality environment created can be completely identical to the company’s existing or proposed facility. When the trainee enters this VR environment, for example, the sub-station, a guided voice-over walkthrough instructs on all the necessary details and skills in a systematic manner.

The training is gamified with quizzes, tasks and challenges helping the trainee retain the knowledge learned. Testing and evaluation feedback can be provided to improve areas and finally obtain certification. The skills learned in the VR space can be tested and refreshed in the real world environment as it has been designed to be identical to the existing facility.

Herein lies the wonderful benefits of VR in electrical safety training. VR training provides the competence and confidence that may not be easily obtained in a real-world environment due to logistical, cost and safety challenges, but delivers the exact knowledge that is usually obtained in a real-world environment. Engaging a competent VR training solutions provider is crucial to understanding all requirements and enabling a structured design and implementation process for your company’s electrical safety training program.

Most experienced electrical professionals know that prevention is better than cure and that this accurately applies to electrical safety training. VR safety training is not only effective but saves costs and improves worker productivity. Ensuring safe behaviours, identifying at-risk conditions and demonstrating safe work practices through an effectively designed VR training program is the recipe for sustained success.